Violent Femmes Two Album Evening A Divine Anniversary Celebration

Article & photos by Melodie Yvonne

INDIANAPOLIS, IN (May 16, 2024) – Violent Femmes visited Old National Centre on May 16, 2024, in Indianapolis, Indiana for a grand album celebration like no other. The band played two sets including complete cover to cover performances of Hallowed Ground and their self-titled debut album. Both sets were delivered flawlessly to a beautiful full house of devoted fans.

Hallowed Ground was in line first on the 40-year celebration stage. Every song was played impeccably and got the crowd riled up nicely in preparation for the debut. There was a brief intermission in between sets, and then the Femmes stepped back out on stage to an extraordinary uproar from the crowd in greeting. Suddenly the first note of “Blister in the Sun” hit the air, and the uproar turned into a rambunctious musical hurricane of love.

The band sailed through the rest of the songs, and the evening was over way too soon for most, but the gracious musicians stepped on stage for a quick encore treat to delight the diehard masses still packing the theatre. The entire evening was absolutely divine, and the iconic band put a smile on every ear in house. Violent Femmes is just as brilliant today as the day they emerged on the scene, and Indianapolis is lucky to have such a legendary night in its books.

Check out the full gallery from Violent Femmes at Old National below

Check out video highlights from Violent Femmes at Old National below

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Categories: Concert & Events Reviews, Concert, Theatre, and Performance, Concerts & Events, Concerts & Events 2024, Melodie Yvonne, Photo Reviews, ReviewsTags: , , , , , , ,

Melodie Yvonne

Melodie Yvonne, lead photographer and owner of Photographic Melodie, grew up in the small southern Indiana town of North Vernon. She picked up her first camera at the age of 5, and was immediately hooked. By the age of 15 she began to turn every trip, even just to the local park, into a fantasy scene of her own imagination, and started mentoring with many local professionals. Melodie received an Associates of Applied Science in Visual Technologies majoring in Photography from Ivy Tech in 2002 after studying under acclaimed professors and many other masters in the field.

Melodie’s main focus has always been music photography. Growing up listening to many amazing musicians inspired her dream to create visual images that made people feel the way they do when listening to music. Her goal was to help people SEE the music.

Melodie has done numerous jobs around the country ranging from working for bands to being the official photographer on many southern Indiana Poker Runs. Her specialties are in nature, music, and candid event photography. She published her first print work, a collection of images & poetry, in 2011, and has since published many more print works. Melodie currently acts as owner & lead photographer at Photographic Melodie, House Photographer for Purdue Theatre, and Tour Photographer for multiple Billboard Charts topping bands as well as freelance work with many other media outlets, venues, and musicians.

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