Rhyming and Lyrics – Spark

Spark by Melodie Yvonne Ramey

I wanna feel everything all of the time
I’m taking the world and I’m making it mine
I wanna feel something on fire just like you
So I can remember I’ve got that spark too

I’d rather feel pain than plain cold-hearted apathy
Rather be crying then feeling numb comfortably
Rather be manic than barely excited
And I’m really tired of trying to hide it

Feeling so lonely’s more than I felt with him
But feeling your vibes got me all scared inside again
How am I gonna hide myself from you
When all that you are is all I want too

I wanna feel everything all of the time
I’m taking the world and I’m making it mine
I wanna feel something on fire just like you
So I can remember I’ve got that spark too

I guess it don’t matter to me ‘bout the ending
Guess it don’t matter to me if you’re smitten
‘Cause everything always works out how it’s written
And I just can’t let myself rot here just sittin’

I’d rather feel everything all of the time
Then sit here a’hidin away behind these rhymes
I’d rather feel longing from wanting to touch you
Then feel what it’d be if I let go and lost you

I wanna feel everything all of the time
I’m taking the world and I’m making it mine
I wanna feel something on fire just like you
So I can remember I’ve got that spark too

I wanna be something on fire just like you
So please just stay with me ‘til I’m on fire too


Get your copy of select poetry collections by Melodie now in print or digital format from the Photographic Melodie Shop!

Check out even more Rhyming and Lyrics at melodieyvonne.com/category/rhyming-and-lyrics/

Check out more rhyming & lyrics videos by Melodie on YouTube

View all of Melodie’s work at melodieyvonne.com/category/melodie-yvonne


All photographicmelodie.com content copyright Melodie Yvonne Ramey. NO IMAGE or word ALTERING of any kind permitted. No usage permitted at all beyond nonprofit online sharing without written permission from Melodie Yvonne Ramey. Check out the full photographicmelodie.com shop and content usage Terms & Conditions HERE

Categories: Melodie Yvonne, Poetry, Rhyming and LyricsTags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Melodie Yvonne

Melodie Yvonne, lead photographer and owner of Photographic Melodie, grew up in the small southern Indiana town of North Vernon. She picked up her first camera at the age of 5, and was immediately hooked. By the age of 15 she began to turn every trip, even just to the local park, into a fantasy scene of her own imagination, and started mentoring with many local professionals. Melodie received an Associates of Applied Science in Visual Technologies majoring in Photography from Ivy Tech in 2002 after studying under acclaimed professors and many other masters in the field.

Melodie’s main focus has always been music photography. Growing up listening to many amazing musicians inspired her dream to create visual images that made people feel the way they do when listening to music. Her goal was to help people SEE the music.

Melodie has done numerous jobs around the country ranging from working for bands to being the official photographer on many southern Indiana Poker Runs. Her specialties are in nature, music, and candid event photography. She published her first print work, a collection of images & poetry, in 2011, and has since published many more print works. Melodie currently acts as owner & lead photographer at Photographic Melodie, House Photographer for Purdue Theatre, and Tour Photographer for multiple Billboard Charts topping bands as well as freelance work with many other media outlets, venues, and musicians.

1 Comment

  1. Caramey

    I’ve never read your footnote before … Serious sh!÷!
    Really like this …
    Sparks can be rare …
    And where there’s smoke, there’s not always fire 🔥

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